My favorite classes to take during quarantine!!

Hi Everyone…. I just wanted to share a list of my favorite classes to take online at this time.

Yogahour with Mackie Osborne!
Donation Zoom Yogahour Class.  Venmo: Mackie-Osborne
One hour fun flow-form yoga with germ free social distancing.
Every Monday, Wednesday, & Friday. 12:30-1:30 Pacific Time
Please come, breathe, play, practice.
Meeting ID: 870 8373 8702 PW: yoga108

Mat Pilates w/Mary O’Malley $10 suggested donation. Every Thursday 5pm-6pm

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 524 804 364
Password: mary2020

Yoga with Jenny Brill

Wednesday-Friday and Sunday at 10:30am pst  link is below. My Venmo is Jenny-Brill-2 class is by donation and if you cannot donate at this time please take class anyway. I appreciate you all. 

Join URL :

Yoga with Georgina Purple

Tuesday 9-10:15am, Thursday 9-10:15am & Sat: 9-10:15am. PST
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 583 119 239
Password: Breathe

She is asking for anywhere from $5-10 per person, per class. Whatever you are comfortable paying. She wants it to be accessible and affordable. If your kids 10 and younger join you, they are free. Please reach out with any questions or confusion. 

Venmo: @georgina-purple

**please select paying a friend and not for a service as they will take out a fee.

Iyengar Yoga with Paul Cabanis

can be found on You Tube by searching his name!!! He is a master teacher and worth investigating. I try to study with him once a week in “normal” times, and his You Tube classes are fantastic!

HIT Workout Class With Stephanie Wilberding - EVERYDAY 35-40 minutes

ZOOM Workouts Link *

Mon, Weds & Friday @ 12noon PST, Tues, Thurs & Friday @ 9am PST

Bodyweight, donation-based workouts.

Venmo: @Stephanie-Wilberding