Tiffany's First Blog … EVER!

Hi Friends, Students and Fellow Yogis,

I am so thrilled to launch my new website.  After 12 years of the old one, I was advised by my dear friend Mackie Osborne that the time had come to join the future.  A year and a half after her sound advice, here we are.  My deepest thanks to Michael Sieger at my brother-in-law Brett's company BWP Communications in Utah for his beautiful design, patience and guidance in this endeavor.  

I have an interesting relationship with the web, blogs, Instagram, Facebook, etc…  I feel like an old person when it comes to these things and don't quite understand the point or the benefit while at the same time I greatly enjoy reading other peoples' stuff.  I guess I feel that there is so much information available that I am constantly behind the 8 ball and have been reluctant to add more information that people might feel the need to digest.  But, I am often asked to share quotes and poses that I taught in classes and this forum will be a great place to do that.  Blogging also gives me the impetus to write and to find my voice and thoughts in ways that I hope can be of service to others (and to myself).  I have been told by so many teachers and friends over many many years that I should be a writer.  I appreciate the vote of confidence while at the same time feeling a sense of "really? why?".  I love what I do and often feel that there is no room for more.  But, when I am challenged to do more, magically space and time seem to appear.

I am excited to launch this site and hope that more people are inspired to study with me at Black Dog Yoga.  I greatly enjoy teaching my classes there and getting to know all the wonderful students who walk through the door into "intermediate yoga" on tuesdays and saturdays.

Thanks for reading and visiting my new and improved site.

